Art Direction, Creative Direction, Design

Rothy’s: Product Photography Templates


Rothy’s: Product Photography Templates

A new website feature required larger product photos, and with this, I took the opportunity to revamp how photos were formatted and organized to improve their consistency and make them easier to use in future design projects.

I created a system of templates and organization, including file naming and asset management. I created a Photoshop template to ensure product photos were consistent for every shoe model. I created a system to export assets, ensuring all files could be used for anything from web to print, marketing to ecommerce. For use in marketing projects, what once would have been a 20-minute design task, now became a simple drag-and-drop action that shaved design time off of each new project.


Photos came back from retouching as separate shots with transparent backgrounds...

Rothy's Single Photos

These photos were then composited in a Photoshop template with guides to ensure consistency...

Rothy's Product Template
Rothy's Product Composites

Photos were then exported as print-quality master files, with various background colors to make them quick and easy to use in marketing projects, and easily batch-processed for e-commerce web use.


I cataloged all the models of shoes in a spreadsheet, keeping track of what files had been created.

Rothy's Photography Spreadsheet


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